Check out some new resources for families, ranging from scholarships to leadership programs to healthy living.
DCSD is offering a Parent Leadership Program beginning on Sept. 8. Check out the flyer below.
The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning has introduced a program to provide scholarships for some families with students enrolled in a Georgia public school system offering only a virtual learning model.
Scholarships support working families with children ages 5-12 (kindergarten through grade 6) by paying for care, supervision, and support during the school day while students are engaged in virtual learning.
Get more information:
Looking for tips on healthy living? Check out this flyer below provided by the School Health Team.
For our Spanish speaking families, beinvendio a DCSD!
Este seminario te ayudará a tí a tú hijo(s) para tener una transición fuida a la comunidad escolar. Equipandote con los conocimientos necesarios para navegar nuevas experiecias educacionales y a descubrir todo el apoyo que hay disponible para fomentar el éxito de tu(s) hijo(s).