Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Thank you so much for your support during the first week of school! Teachers worked tirelessly with planning for this week and for the first time taught in a different way. I had the pleasure of visiting classes virtually. Some class visits have been shared on Twitter. Here are our glows and grows for the first week!
First week of school glows:
Over 75% of students were online the first day of school, with several students picking up devices throughout the week.
Teachers had daily live lessons with students.
Students began learning Zoom/TEAMS rituals & routines.
We were happy to serve and support many families this week with registration, checking out devices, help logging in and providing materials/resources. We will be back at the school next week, August 24th from 9am-noon; Mon-Thurs if parents need help.
First week of school grows:
We want to ensure students are receiving breaks during lessons and after transitions. Teachers will work to incorporate more breaks if needed.
TEAMS link for Specials (Guidance) was challenging. We hope to fix this problem by next week. We expect the new links to work Monday, August 24th.
To ensure students have recorded lessons in the future, teachers must use one Zoom account. Due to this, there will be multiple links for specials/shared classes.
We understand on some Chromebooks the sound in Zoom is problematic. We have asked affected teachers to try Google Meet next week. Affected teachers will still initially meet on their Zoom link.
Next week, students will begin reviewing the discipline handbook required by DCSD and continue reviewing standards. Please save the date for our virtual Title I Annual meeting/Curriculum Night, September 10, 2020 from 6:00p-7:30p.
We hope to see you all virtually soon!
Stay Safe,
Mia Ford