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Wild about STEM!

Our kids had a phenomenal time exploring and participating in activities centered on Science Technology Engineering and Math STEM last week. STEM is important for the future because our world depends on it. The economy, our general well-being—it’s all backed by science, technology, engineering, and math. Plus – it’s fun! Check out a few photos from last week’s activities on Dr. Ford's twitter!

"I loved being a meteorologist because I got to make a video where we talked about the weather and I made the right guess about this weekend being cloudy with a chance of rain."

- Laundyn J. 1st grade

“I liked that we got to draw and research. I was able to see what the weather was like. I made a couple of videos and was able to improve my work.”

- Leeland 2nd grade

“I researched the weather, then I made a map where I showed what the weather would be like that weekend. I then made a video that I was able to share with people.”

- Ginny 2nd grade

"I used Autodraw to create an ecosystem to show which type of flowers would be best for the animals already living in the garden. I had to research flowers that different animals eat. This was a lot of work but fun."

- Jennifer L. 2nd grade

"STEM day was so awesome! I got to make an ecosystem and use dirt from my backyard. And it didn't feel like real school."

- Ethan M. 3rd grade

“I loved learning new things and getting to improve my work.”

- Elliot P. 4th grade

“I had fun creating.”

- William M. 4th grade

“We made something called a longneck out of clay, and had web feet, wings and a tail for physical features. She lives in the forest for an ecosystem.”

- Hope and Lucas 4th grade

I had fun creating a designer animal a "doggator" part dog and part alligator, using what I learned in class to classify the animal. We had to decide on features, and then classify the animal based on these features. Mine is a reptile because it lays eggs and has scales. I used Google slides to present my creation.”

- Juliette L 5th grade

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