Updates are available for the following after school clubs:
Morning Media Club (3rd, 4th and 5th)
Thursdays at 2:15 p.m.
For information, click here.
UPDATE: This club meets to create multi-media announcements for the school. We will do videos that include the Pledge of Allegiance, the weather, morning announcement, birthdays, celebrations, cool facts, and more. Our start date has been moved back to allow time for more students to join us.
Girls Who Code (3rd, 4th and 5th)
Tuesdays at 2:15 p.m.
Open to EVERYONE (not just girls) but we follow the curriculum at Girls Who Code.
UPDATE: Anyone who wants to learn about coding; the language of computers can join. The club will be geared toward typical girl interests, but welcomes everyone. We will explore the language of coding, its structures and impact in the world.
Spanish Club (1st and 2nd)
Tuesdays at 2:15 p.m.
A great place to make friends, learn a new culture, and immerse yourself in the foreign language experience.
UPDATE: Every Tuesday Starting Oct. 6 ending Dec. 8th.
Meeting ID: 912 6743 4990
Passcode: espanol
Reading Bowl (4th and 5th)
Mondays at 2:15 p.m.
Students will read the 2020-2021 Georgia Children's Book Award Nominees and then compete in the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl in January.
UPDATE: The Reading Bowl Club will meet in the Library's Zoom link at https://zoom.us/j/95514598356
Password: tiger20
Thursdays at 7:30 a.m.
Sci Girls (K- 5) students will be grouped by grade levels
Girls will be exploring different STEM fields and STEM activities.
UPDATE: Meeting links below.
Sci Girls K-1
Meeting dates are Oct. 8, Nov. 4, Dec. 3. Come to the school on Wednesday to collect supplies for the fall sessions.
Meeting ID 766 9098 8042
Passcode Scigirls
SciGirls 2-3
Meeting dates Oct. 15, Nov.12, Dec. 10. Come to the school on Wednesday to collect supplies for the fall sessions.
Join: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76690988042?pwd=QzVwazhkc3pJYUdSbER0SGRXd2tWQT09
Meeting ID 766 9098 8042
Passcode Scigirls
SciGirls 4-5
Meeting dates Oct. 22, Nov.19, Dec. 17.Come to the school on Wednesday to collect supplies for the fall sessions.
Join: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76690988042?pwd=QzVwazhkc3pJYUdSbER0SGRXd2tWQT09
Meeting ID 766 9098 8042
Passcode Scigirls
Academic Bowl (5th)
Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m.
Quiz Show format on a variety of topics.
UPDATE: Begins Oct. 8 with Ms. Chandler.
Book Club (lower grades)
UPDATE: Begins every week on Thursdays through Dec. 31, 2020, with13 occurrences. Please reach out to Ms. Branch for details and questions.