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It's Time for Winter MAP Testing

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

Updated: Jan. 17

Message from Testing Coordinator, Ms. Jones

DCSD has communicated to schools and parents that the winter MAP assessment will determine gifted eligibility; therefore, K-5 students will test Reading and Math MAP face-to-face only. Teachers will reach out to parents in the next coming weeks to determine your choice to send your child(ren) to test face-to-face. Transportation will be provided if needed.

DCSD has also communicated to schools and parents, if a student does not attend face-to-face testing, the assessment will not be administered virtually nor will the student qualify for gifted eligibility.

The face-to-face testing window is Feb. 19-26. Students will be tested two days. Day 1 Reading and Day 2 Math. Students will attend either a morning or afternoon testing session. The sessions are 8:30am-11am and 12:30pm-3:00pm. In planning face-to-face testing, our goal is to not have many students test in the building at one time for safety. Teachers will notify families of the day & time of testing. All students testing must wear a mask, adhere to social distancing, and bring a water bottle.

This coming week, grades 3-5 will virtually take the MAP Language usage and Science (not used for gifted eligibility). Teachers will share class testing schedule with parents.


Dear Parent,

The DeKalb County School District (DCSD) utilizes the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) as a universal screener three times a year - Fall, Winter, and Spring.

In an effort to accommodate the many schools within the district and students opting to remain in a virtual learning environment, the Assessment Administration Department for the DeKalb County School District has set the Winter MAP testing window to open on Monday, January 4, 2021, and close on Friday, February 26, 2021.However, your student’s school will communicate his/her specific Winter MAP test window.

For school year 2020-2021, the Winter MAP test administration window is utilized for Magnet and Gifted eligibility screening. Therefore, due to the nature of the 2020-2021 Winter MAP assessments, students in grades 3 – 10 will be administered the MAP test in two different testing modes, if applicable: remotely (Language Usage and Science MAP tests) and face to face (Reading and Mathematics MAP tests). K – 2 students will be administered the MAP test (Reading and Mathematics) in a face to face setting.

All students in grades 3 – 10 will be administered the Language Usage and/or Science test in a remote test setting during the Winter MAP administration window, January 4 – February 26, 2021.

All K-10 students participating in face to face or virtual instruction will be administered the Reading and Mathematics MAP test at their local school during school hours, February 1 – February 26, 2021.

Below is the District’s Winter 2020 -2021 MAP face to face test administration schedule for virtual students that will be followed by all schools:

Grade Level Band Test Window

Grades 9 -10 2/1 - 2/10

Grades 6 - 8 2/11 - 2/18

Grades K - 5 2/19 - 2/26

***Homeroom teachers will communicate your child’s specific test date and session time***

Below are DeKalb’s Winter MAP 2020 face to face test procedures:

1. Students must test at their home school.

2. Students must wear face covering or mask for the entire test administration.

3. Limit test participants to 15 students per test session/per examiner.

4. It is encouraged that students bring the school technology device.

6. Bus transportation to and from the test site will be provided for students who receive bus transportation during the school year.

7. Bus transportation WILL NOT be provided on MAKE-UP DAYS.

**The DeKalb County School District will follow all Georgia Health Department and the Center for Disease Control Health and Safety Guidelines as related to the COVID-19 pandemic. *

MAP Growth tests from NWEA® are unique in that they are adaptive tests taken on a computer or tablet. This means the test questions will become more difficult when your child answers a question correctly and easier when your child answers a question incorrectly. The information presented on the test is aligned with the Georgia Department of Education curriculum and is the same information that your child should have already been exposed to in school.

If, based on your child’s IEP, 504-IAP, or EL-TPC plan, there are allowable accommodations that your child may receive on the Winter MAP assessment they will be provided as outlined in their plans.

Each remote MAP Growth test session will consist of 9 - 12 students (including your child). Each face to face test administration will consist of up to 15 students (including your child).

Below are instructions on how to prepare your child for their MAP Growth assessments. Additionally, attached to this letter is a Student Log in Quick Guide that will provide you with a visual on how to access the MAP assessment.

Prior to Test Day (virtual administration)

1. Make sure your child’s device has an internet connection. (virtual administration)

2. Make sure your device meets testing requirements using the Workstation Diagnostic Tool. (virtual administration)

3. Watch the MAP Growth introduction video

4. Practice the test at

(Username: grow Password: grow)

On Test Day (virtual administration)

1. Minimize distractions for your child as much as possible.

2. Provide a quiet testing environment.

3. Follow all instructions from the teacher/proctor.

For more information about MAP Growth, visit: If you have any additional questions, please contact Mrs. Camille Jones by email or by phone at 678-676-7402.


Mia Ford


Official letter and Spanish version is below:

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